10 Things You Didn't Know About Zeb Colter

6. He Believes In Term Limits

Zeb Colter has been leading Jack Swagger (and briefly Cesaro) under an unapologetically pro-American banner. The political leanings of these Real Americans have swayed them from being reviled heels to lovable patriots. While much of what is presented by Zeb should be received by the audience as a manager who understands the nuances of his character well, the real man behind the mustache is politically savvy and opinionated on his own. During Episode #113 of Colt Cabana's popular Art of Wrestling podcast, Zeb explains to Colt how he would like to see term limits enforced to the legislative branch of the American government. He believes that the Senators and Congressmen and women who hold their seats for many decades get to the point where they'll say anything to keep their seats, irregardless of their constituents. When asked by Colt if Zeb would ever run for office Zeb plainly told him, "I would not run."
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Zeb Colter
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I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.