10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 1993

3. Departures Are Genuinely Affecting

Bobby Heenan Gorilla Monsoon
WWE Network

Monday Night Raw was the start of something new for the WWF, but 1993 also brought the curtain down on several old-stagers who were either phased out or jumped promotions over to WCW. Looking back, it's actually quite emotional to watch Gorilla Monsoon eject Bobby Heenan from the building on the 6 December episode.

They'd never work together again.

Knowing that makes the laughs bittersweet, and the same goes for 'Mean' Gene Okerlund waving farewell to the WWF around the same time. His professional 'Royal Rumble Reports' early in the year amount to wasted air time, and yet Gene's voice, delivery and passion for the product ensured your writer watched every single one.

These guys are treasures of the wrestling business. 1993 was the end of an era for characters who had made people laugh, cry and everything in between for many years during the WWF's boom period of the 80s. It's sad to relive their final moments together in the company.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.