10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2003

8. There’s A Super-Weird Collision Of Eras

Steve Austin Goldberg WWE Raw 2003

Holy clash of eras!

On the 2 June edition, Evolution teamed up to take on Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and The Hurricane. That means young bucks like Randy Orton and Shane Helms were in there with luminaries like Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Kevin Nash, and it's f'n weird to look back on now.

Flair and HBK had been there for the old Manhattan days. So, mind you, had Nash (as Diesel). Then, Triple H bridged the gap towards 'Attitude', and younger dudes like Orton and Hurricane were expected to breakout as modern heroes. The whole thing made for quite the mix on paper, but that's nothing compared to watching it play out on-screen.

Seeing Michaels strike a pose with Hurricane was awesome, for example. This was all part of a sneaky push for the superhero character - he even got to rub shoulders with guys like The Rock on the flagship. What's up with that?! Nothing, nothing is up with that.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.