10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2003

7. Scott Steiner Was Wasted Potential

Steve Austin Goldberg WWE Raw 2003

Nowadays, most wrestling writers will tell you that Scott Steiner's 2003 main event push was utterly awful and shouldn't have happened. Indeed, the dude penning this piece would scoff at segments with Triple H like the arm wrestling bit or their musclebound "Posedown".

It wasn't as bad as you think it was.

Steiner's appearances during the first few months of the year played before gigantic pops, and his promo work was far-from-shabby. It's actually a real pity that matches vs. Trips at Royal Rumble and No Way Out were so lacklustre, because Scotty could've been a top star for anywhere between 12-18 months had one of them clicked.

It just wasn't to be, but don't let anybody (including this guy) tell you that Steiner flopped as a superstar attraction people wanted to see. He definitely didn't. If anything, he comes across as one of Raw's bigger deals between January-March.

That was unexpected when binging.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.