10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2003

6. Kane’s Unmasking Was Sorely Needed

Steve Austin Goldberg WWE Raw 2003

WWE had mucked about with both The Undertaker and Kane so much by 2003 that both were in dire need of a rethink. 'Taker would dig up (ha!) his old persona the following year, but what of Kane? Well, everyone's favourite burn victim with an erm...passing fondness for corpses needed something else.

He needed to ditch his past and become something new.

The character was staler than month-old bread, and it required major surgery after the Katie Vick disaster of 2002. Whipping the mask off and turning him into some terrifying horror movie serial killer-style gimmick was the right call then, and it instantly revitalised Kane's sagging fortunes on the brand.

WWE didn't get everything spot on with him in 2003, but they should be commended for trying to freshen up Kane's persona and offer something fans hadn't seen before. Segments with everyone from JR and Linda McMahon to Shane and Vince offered regular highlights for Raw in '03.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.