10 Things You Learn Binge Watching WWE's Ruthless Aggression Era

3. The Draft Had Problems Back Then Too

John Cena Shawn Michaels Matt Hardy Big Show

WWE's Draft takes a critical pounding these days, and it's their own fault. So-called "ironclad rosters" are cheapened immediately as workers dart from one show to another without rhyme or reason (logic, anyone?). It's annoying, but it's far from a new problem. Drafts of yesteryear suffered from the same issues.

The RA era saw annual drafts between 2004-2008. All of them featured big time brand jumps, but then WWE had to go and spoil things by putting things right back where they were in the first place. That just insulted fan intelligence. Case in point: Triple H going from Raw to SmackDown in '04.

This was supposed to "split up" Evolution, but...it didn't. Trips didn't even work a match on the blue brand before he was casually traded back to Mondays like nothing had happened. Tune in next year though, eh? It was hard to get hyped for the Draft when this kind of sh*te happened regularly.

Drafting separate rosters shouldn't be this difficult. 


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.