10 Things You Learn Training To Be A Pro Wrestler

8. Fitness Is Key

Again you could say this is obvious but once again I would stress just how tiring wrestling a match actually is, let alone training for up to 6 hours a day. It's the equivalent of an intense fitness programme of lifting, running, jumping and constantly picking yourself up in a mere 5-25 minute period? As i mentioned in the previous point you will be using muscles you rarely use. You will have to really focus on all aspects of fitness. So much so; that you would probably feel comfortable running a full length marathon. All this and you need to look good as well. You need to create the muscle mass to have a believable presence in the ring. Be warned just how long and extensive the warm up session is. They really hit home just how physically demanding pro wrestling is. Be prepared and take some fluid. Nothing takes it out of you more than doing circuit training on a ring with 20 other guys for 45 minutes. Oh and as I'm thinking about it, watch out for twisting an ankle as you run around a ring with the same 20 guys, causing it to bounce around. It becomes terrible uneven.
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WhatCulture WWE Editor: An Ex Wrestler, Computer Game Retail Employee, Batman fanatic and all round nerdy man who's views on Wrestling and all that come with it border on the obsessive.