10 Times DX Absolutely Buried Other Wrestlers

7. CM Punk

Survivor Series 2006

Take a look at Shawn Michaels' face as he celebrated victory at the 2006 Survivor Series. Following a dominating clean sweep of Team Rated-RKO, 'HBK' linked arms with CM Punk and looked like he'd rather be doing anything else. Is that reading too much into things? Perhaps.

Or, according to ex-WWE writers Court Bauer and Alex Greenfield, perhaps not.

In a series of 2015 interviews, both Bauer and Greenfield revealed how Triple H and Michaels slaughtered Punk during his WWE tryout. The DX crew apparently criticised everything from Punk's look to his in-ring work, and they did so in front of Vince McMahon. To Greenfield, that was totally unnecessary and buried Punk's early potential.

Shawn leapt to his own defence the same year during a radio chat with TapouT Radio by claiming he'd never even met either writer and definitely didn't watch WWE tryouts before Raw. In fairness to the writers, why would they be (and what would they gain from) lying?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.