10 Times DX Absolutely Buried Other Wrestlers

6. Damien Sandow

Damien Sandow D-X Raw 1000

D-Generation-X's second wave reunited during the Raw 1000 celebrations to a rapturous response. Fans in St. Louis were delighted to see old favourites like X-Pac and The New Age Outlaws again, and their banter brought out the best in Triple H and Shawn Michaels. In fact, the only one having a bad night was poor Damien Sandow.

He was the one sacrificed so DX had somebody to bounce around on the night.

At that point in the summer of 2012, Sandow had been gaining some notoriety as an educated, eloquent and arrogant heel. His character borrowed elements from Lanny Poffo's Genius, and it was getting over. Within a few moments on the 1000th episode of Raw though, Sandow was made to look like a jobber rather than a star in the making.

It was a senseless decision to throw him to the wolves on such a landmark night for WWE. A lot more casual fans and lapsed viewers than usual would be tuning in to see one of the promotion's new faces get a thorough kicking from a mix of semi-retired workers and part-timers.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.