10 Times NXT Was As Dumb As WWE's Main Roster
4. Paul Ellering Goes Full WCW At TakeOver: Toronto

In 2016, NXT ran the second iteration of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, following a warmly-received first venture won by Finn Bálor and Samoa Joe. The final of the 2016 tournament came down to two relative newcomer teams: The Authors of Pain (Akam and Rezar) and TM-61 (Nick Miller and Shane Thorne).
A strange stipulation added to the 2016 final was that AOP's manager, Paul Ellering, was to be suspended above the ring in a cage. This was put into place by NXT General Manager William Regal to prevent Ellering from interfering in the match, something he had done throughout the rest of the tournament.
You can probably guess how well that went.
Towards the end of what was already a fairly ho-hum match, Ellering - still chilling out like an electoon from Rayman above the ring - dropped down a chain to Rezar who promptly wrapped it around his fist and swung for Shane Thorne. Though he missed (with the chain flying into the front row), AOP still retook the advantage and defeated TM-61 to win the tournament.
Whilst Ellering's presence was much more subdued than usual, it's kinda hard to imagine the match going any differently, were he back in his usual spot ringside.