10 Times Really Weird Stuff Went Down At WWE's Royal Rumble

5. Hulk Hogan's Heelish Moment (1992)

Ric Flair Royal Rumble 1992

Throughout the 1980s and early-90s, Hulk Hogan was the WWF's ultimate babyface. A do-gooder by nature, the Hulkster didn't have a mean-spirited bone in his body. He was more likely to help old ladies across the street, encourage children to live a wholesome life and fight evil every single day, dude.

He was also a sore loser who cheated when things didn't go his way.

At the 1992 Royal Rumble (the site of Ric Flair's proudest WWE moment), Hulk was ousted from the 30-man match by noodle-haired Sid Justice. So, what did Hulk do? Applaud the fans for supporting him, wish the remaining participants all the best and walk to the back to fight another day? Nah, he pulled Sid out from the floor.

That'll learn some newcomer for messing with Hulkamania. Hogan, the definitive blue eye who was presented as the nicest bro ever, turned out to be a bad sport who couldn't stand being beaten fairly. As a kid buying into Hulk's character, it was odd to see him act this way.

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Royal Rumble
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.