10 Times Triple H Lost At WrestleMania

7. Chris Benoit - WrestleMania XX

Triple H won championship matches at both WrestleMania 18 and XIX, although both bouts were forgettable duds. It was very much the era of his backstage politics, with many fans believing he was in those slots due to his relationship with Stephanie McMahon. By the time WrestleMania XX rolled around, it was the same old story, with Hunter as the main event champion after burying the potential of Bill Goldberg. However, on the night of this 'Mania, he actually did a job. And not just any old job, either: it was a clean tap out to Chris Benoit at the end of a sensational triple threat which also involved Shawn Michaels. What was significant about the jobwas Benoit was about as far away as you could get from what Vince McMahon generally wants his World Champions to be, i.e he was small and had almost zero charisma. Yet there was Triple H, tapping out clean in the middle of the ring, in Madison Square Garden on the 20th Anniversary of the biggest event in wrestling. It was a major job, but also perhaps a political play on Hunter's part. He knew he'd look good putting Benoit over, and he likely knew the new champion would fail. He had to have known he'd be back in the driving seat again soon. Plus, he was credited with putting on one of the greatest 'Mania matches of all time.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.