10 Times Triple H Proved He's WWE's Biggest Babyface

2. Consoling A Crying Fan

Triple H said on Stone Cold Steve Austin's podcast that kayfabe was dead and that, thanks to the internet, nothing can be kept secret anymore and that WWE has had to adapt to that. Hence the 'Reality Era'. WWE proved true to his word by breaking kayfabe on the January 19th Raw. After making a young fan who was sitting at ringside cry during the main event, Triple H walked over to the kid, gave him a hug and whispered something in his ear. After that, the fan went back to enjoying the show and Triple H went back to playing the TV heel. After the show Triple H arranged for security to take the kid and his father backstage, presumably to meet some of his favourite stars and get some free goodies. The moment wasn't captured by TV cameras but it went viral thanks to a Twitter user. It shows the kind of guy that Triple H is and the lengths he will go to in order to make the fans happy.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...