10 Times Triple H Proved He's WWE's Biggest Babyface

1. Inducting A Disabled Fan Into DX

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SJCfrWNUKw Yet another incident of Triple H looking out for his fans. After a DX match on Smackdown sometime in 2009, Triple H was walking backstage doing the usual handslapping when he stopped to talk to a fan. Triple H asked the fan (a man suffering from Down's Syndrome) what his name was before inviting him over the barricade. He got the fan into the ring, brought Shawn Michaels in for a hug and then did some crotch-chopping and raised the fan's arms while the DX theme blared over the sound system. It was only brief, but it must have made that fan's night. Many other wrestlers would have just walked backstage, ready to hit the showers, but Triple H demonstrated what a pro he is and gave that fan a memory that would last a lifetime.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...