10 Times Vince McMahon Lost His Damn Mind

5. Bob Costas Interview

Vince McMahon has become synonymous with public meltdowns over the years, through the recurring actions of his hot-headed Mr McMahon character on WWE TV. That same fiery temperament would rear its head in a completely genuine manner in 2001.

Filmed live for HBO's On The Record With Bob Costas, the WWE Chairman was interviewed by the show's host on the subject of his newly created XFL. What began as a straight-laced conversation about the struggling league immediately degenerated into an angry war of words, much of which came from the increasingly infuriated McMahon.

Scheduled for 15 minutes, HBO executives recognised the growing tension between Costas and McMahon, stunned by the real-life drama unfolding before their eyes. As such, they let the segment run and it ultimately lasted almost double the allotted time. According to Costas, Vince called the next day and told Bob he wanted a "rematch". The two would reconvene for a second, more subdued interview a year later.

Nevertheless, the same explosive temper reared its head again in 2003, during another HBO documentary, Real Sports' Deaths in Pro Wrestling. That time, Vince even attempted to slap the notes out of the hands of interviewer, Armen Keteyian - proving that Vince's passion for business doesn't wear with age.


Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!