10 Times Vince McMahon Was The World's Strangest Boss

3. The Higher Power's Burrito Befuddlement

Corporate World: Inspiration can come from unexpected sources, keep an open mind. Vince World: If I don't know it, it is not worth knowing. Vince McMahon goes full stop on everything he does, whether its bodybuilding, womanizing, or being completely oblivious. In a meeting with creative Dan Madigan, McMahon wanted to axe an angle with The Big Show eating a poisoned burrito. McMahon told Madigan he didn't know what a burrito was and doubted whether the general public would either. The WWE is not run out of an underground bunker, Bond villain style and not only has Vince traveled the world, but he personally knows many Mexican people. Even Vince's hometown of Greenwich, CT has at least a dozen Mexican restaurants according to the Internet. While a boss insisting he's never heard of the humble burrito is baffling, it gets worse when Madigan reveals Vince actually ate steak in a tortilla or "wrap" everyday for lunch. Vince eventually relented and the spiked burrito story-line wound up being as silly as it sounds.

Comedienne & Writer From the Cosmic Wasteland, Stuck In LA.