10 Times Wrestlers Couldn't Remember Their Match

6. Goldberg (Super Show-Down 2019)

Goldberg Super ShowDown

The first few minutes of The Undertaker vs. Goldberg at Super Show-Down were awesome. No, really, they were.

Both legends were running through a greatest hits compilation of their biggest spots when Bill charged the corner, 'Taker moved and Goldberg bashed his chrome dome against the ring post. That was followed up by another flub when Bill's head spiked the canvas during a Tombstone Piledriver. It...was a rough night.

Watch the match back (a bold suggestion, granted) and you'll see that Goldberg was clearly out of sorts after both bumps. He wouldn't recover in time to help a knackered 'Taker make the best of an increasingly bad situation. It's likely for the best that the WCW icon barely remembers the bout's second half.

He, like everyone else, must wonder what might've been had he not been blasted hard by two quick fire shots to the skull. The match wouldn't have been a classic, but it probs wouldn't have been quite as bad had Goldberg been steady on his feet.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.