10 Times Wrestlers Couldn't Remember Their Match

7. Brock Lesnar (WrestleMania XIX)

Brock Lesnar Kurt Angle Wrestlemania 19

It took a lot of balls for Brock Lesnar to even attempt his Shooting Star Press at WrestleMania XIX. The move was one Brock had pulled off before, albeit never on a stage that large. He'd famously botch it, and almost brained himself by landing head first next to Kurt Angle rather than on top of him.

Somehow, the match continued even though Lesnar was mentally mashed.

According to Kurt Angle, who was going through his own health problems (only Olympic heroes work with broken freakin' necks, don't you know?) at the time, Brock couldn't remember what was going on. The pair had to work through his daze and come up with an alternate finish on the fly.

Photos and footage from the post-match love in between both guys show that Lesnar was out to lunch. He deserved a medal of his own to match Kurt's for regaining enough presence of mind to work a few minutes longer and celebrate his win.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.