10 Times Wrestlers Fooled You Into Thinking They Were Someone Else

7. DDP As La Parka

eric bischoff priest

During his career-making feud with Randy Savage, Diamond Dallas Page was on fire in WCW. In a period that had more star power than a supernova, that’s quite the feat.

As such, when Randy Savage entered the ring to face La Parka in a routine match on Nitro, many fans expected to see DDP appear along the way; however, no-one could predict the way in which he did. Moving much like La Parka throughout the contest, DDP did a great job of fooling the crowd, which made the finish all the more unpredictable

Just minutes into the match, "La Parka" hit Savage with an uncharacteristic Diamond Cutter in the middle of the ring. The crowd were taken aback by the out-of-place move and erupted at the sight of Savage hitting the canvas. Seconds later, the apparent luchador whipped off the mask, revealing himself as DDP all along - much to the chagrin of the nWo’s Scott Hall at ringside.

Page covered the prone “Macho Man” and scored himself a pinfall victory over his bitter adversary, just days ahead of their tag-team showdown at Bash at the Beach.

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Eric Bischoff
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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!