10 Times Wrestlers Fooled You Into Thinking They Were Someone Else

3. Eric Angle As Kurt Angle

eric bischoff priest

As far as wrestling imposters go, they don’t come more convincing than the stunt pulled by Kurt Angle and his brother, Eric. Defending the WWF Championship against The Undertaker, Kurt Angle had a tough test ahead of him, just one month after winning the gold from The Rock at No Mercy,

As such, when things got too much for Angle, the Olympian simply crawled under the ring for the switcheroo. The man that crawled out would take a Last Ride powerbomb seconds later; however, the ref refused to count the pin. As it turned out, the man in the ring was no longer the champion and was actually Angle’s brother, Eric Angle. One schoolboy roll-up later, and Angle was still your WWF Champ.

The plot worked perfectly. So perfectly, in fact, that WWE would redo the spot less than three years later, when Angle defended the WWE Championship against Brock Lesnar on Smackdown prior to WrestleMania XIX.

Somehow managing to execute the switch even better than they did before, Kurt and Eric would trade places virtually unseen, with Eric sliding in Kurt’s place during Brock’s entrance.

Once again, Eric took the proverbial bullet for his brother, this time in the form of an F5. Brock would cover but release the pin in confusion, only to be caught in a small package by the real thing.

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Eric Bischoff
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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!