10 Times Wrestlers Fooled You Into Thinking They Were Someone Else

2. Dean Malenko As Ciclope

eric bischoff priest

Dean Malenko’s feud with Chris Jericho was a firm highlight in the history of WCW’s Cruiserweight Division. While there have been better matches and arguably even better storylines, the pop Malenko received at Slamboree 1998 was simply epic.

Having rid WCW of Malenko two months earlier, Jericho seemed on top form as the arrogant heel champion. Watching his fellow Cruiserweights for the right to face him that same night, Jericho seemed confident that whomever won the Battle Royal would be easy pickings for the fresh champ.

That was until the masked winner unveiled his true identity.

Wearing the orange and black of Ciclope, Malenko made the final two in the Battle Royal. With fellow finalist, Juventud Guerrera, seemingly in the know of who was under the mask, he conceded defeat to the returning Malenko. When Malenko finally peeled off the hood to reveal himself, the crowd reaction was almost deafening.

Jericho and Malenko would immediately engage in a short yet entertaining bout, culminating in the returning Malenko winning the title and finally gaining a measure of revenge on his cocky opponent.

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Eric Bischoff
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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!