10 Times Wrestlers Ignored Direct Orders

1. Kurt Angle & Shane McMahon

Kurt Angle Shane McMahon
"Don't you dare put him through that motherf*cking glass again!"

That was something Vince McMahon roared from his seat at Gorilla as his son Shane McMahon and Kurt Angle worked a gnarly brawl at King Of The Ring 2001. The sugar glass panels both were expecting on the entrance set had been replaced by plexiglass (due to worries about the panes shattering when pyro went off).

When Shane's body bounced off the panels, and his head bounced off the concrete floor, Vince screamed at referee Mike Chioda and his wrestlers to "stop the damn match". They'd ignore him, partly because they were in the heat of the action and partly 'cause Angle said he couldn't hear a thing around him.

The boss wanted the Street Fight stopped, but it'd continue for a while longer before Angle picked up the win and both men tended to their wounds. No fines were handed out, though Vince did tell his son never to do anything like that match again.


What other times can you think of when wrestlers disobeyed direct orders? For more WWE, check out WWE Men's Royal Rumble 2020: How Every Elimination Happened and WWE Women's Royal Rumble 2020: How Every Elimination Happened!

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