10 Times Wrestlers Were Literally Given Championships

7. Jim Duggan (WCW Television Title)

Upon making his historic jump to WCW in the mid-90s, Hulk Hogan quickly set about putting the WWF '87 band back together.

Federation fossils like the Honky Tonk Man, Brutus Beefcake and Earthquake quickly followed him, to absolutely nobody's intrigue.

Perhaps the most head-scratching of all of the Hogan's camp followers was "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan.

Replacing the legendary Ricky Steamboat in his US Championship match with the soon-to-be legendary Steve Austin, Duggan inexplicably squashed the future Stone Cold in 30 seconds to capture the fabled title in 1994.

While that might be adequate enough a title change to make this list, Hacksaw's second championship victory was even more charitable.

Six years later, after returning from a bout with cancer, Hacksaw was back on WCW TV in a new role - as a janitor.

While taking the bins out, Duggan stumbled upon the once reputable WCW Television Championship in the rubbish. As you do.

The title Arn Anderson had made famous a decade ago had been thrown into the trash by then champion Scott Hall, three months earlier.

Duggan declared himself the new World Television Champion, while everyone else pondered why WCW hadn't taken the rubbish out in three months.


M is a writer and editor based in Paris.