10 Times Wrestlers Were Spooked FOR REAL
9. Shawn Michaels Never Walks Alone
When this oddly fascinating video appeared on YouTube in 2013, there was so much to take from it that a lot of the conversations actually got lost.
New Generation catnip for a fanbase made up more of Attitude Era apologists and Ruthless Aggression truthers, it's the entirety of a home movie made by a fan stopping at the same hotel as the WWE roster ahead of WrestleMania XII in Anaheim, California. A paid up punter of whatever golden ticket the company offered at the time, the fan goes to signings and ceremonies and hangs about in lobbies looking for that little bit of extra time with the wrestlers as they pass through.
And once, in a slightly unsettling moment, he films Shawn Michaels working out at the gym.
'HBK' spots him midway through a conversation with Vader, and looks none too pleased to be getting monitored on the treadmill, but the fan continues to shoot all the same until Michaels requests some help covering up the windows to get himself out of the zoom lens.