10 Times Wrestlers Won Matches By Accident

5. Matt Hardy Wins A Match With The Side Effect

CM Punk Ref Thumb

A wrestler might have a million moves in his move set, but their signature finishing move is the one that delivers the ultimate blow that keeps their opponents down for the pinfall. Sure, wrestlers might've picked up wins with their less significant manoeuvres on rare occasions, but not all deserved to get those spots - and Matt Hardy's Side Effect is one of them.

On the 12 August 2006 episode of ECW, Matt Hardy teamed up with Mark Henry only a few days before he took on the latter for the ECW Championship at SummerSlam, in a tag team match against The Miz and John Morrison.

Despite being a decent contest with back-and-forth action, the finish turned out to be a dud. Hardy executed an Avalanche Side Effect on Morrison from the bottom rope and took his time sweet time going for the pin. Morrison did get his shoulders up in time, but the referee ignored it, counted the pinfall, and awarded the victory to Hardy and Henry. Henry and The Miz looked confused, the music took forever to hit, and the announcers had to improvise by stating Hardy single-handedly won the match.

Some might argue The Rock used a variation of that move in the name of The Rock Bottom to pick up victories throughout his career, but let's be honest, Matt Hardy is not The Rock, and The Side Effect does not possess that much electricity to go in the same conversation as The Rock Bottom.


A hardcore pro-wrestling fan since childhood, and loves to write about his passion. Nuff said.