10 Times Wrestling Crowds Actually RUINED The Moment

6. Any Time The "What" Chant Comes Back

Cesaro Beach Ball

Stone Cold has contributed a lot to the world of wrestling. His memorable Austin 3:16 promo set the Attitude era into motion. The smoking skull belt is a thing of beauty, and his feud with Vince McMahon laid the groundwork for one of the most enduring story formats in modern wrestling. Sadly though, the "What?" chant, despite being prolific, has had a largely negative effect on wrestling.

Much of the things that Stone Cold helped bring to wrestling would go on to build people up, make the business better for others and help progress things. But the "What?" chant, which began simply as a forced catchphrase, has no constructive qualities, only destructive.

Now, yes, some people have managed to come up with clever and cheeky ways to dismiss the chant, luring fans into a little self-own. But a face getting the "what" chant does not have the luxury of being able to do that. For them, it's even worse, as most promos in general are paced out the same way, leaving room for that chant to go on like everyone in the audience just became both obnoxious and hard of hearing. Nobody has been able to get over because of that chant.

Thankfully the chant is dying and losing popularity as fans are finally getting wise to how rude it is to the performers they paid to see.

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A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.