10 Times Wrestling Crowds Actually RUINED The Moment

5. Dolph Ziggler Vs. Seth Rollins, Extreme Rules 2018

Cesaro Beach Ball

The phrase "pearls before swine" doesn't often occur with regards to wrestling, but no crowd fit that phrase more than the Pittsburgh audience watching Ziggler take on Rollins in a 30 minutes iron man match at Extreme Rules 2018. This should have been a standout performance for both men, and the Intercontinental title as a whole, as it main-evented its first show in years. Rollins was white hot and Ziggler had a new lease on his career thanks to a heel turn. These combustible elements should have burned it down.

Instead, the crowd wanted to focus on the clock, which was shown on the arena's screens. They kept counting down from ten and honking like the horn at the Royal Rumble as each minute ticked away. Nevermind the fact that two of WWE's best performers were working a match that best accentuated both their athletic ability and storytelling prowess.

The clock was removed from the screen, yet the fans continued doing their countdown, messing with the internal clocks of both wrestlers. Rollins had even gone on record saying that the constant countdowns really rattled Ziggler, thus making what could have been a match of the year candidate into an underwhelming mess.

Perhaps WWE can remedy this by having the time keeper simply announce how much time has passed like in New Japan, rather than show a clock that fans somehow find more interesting than wrestling.

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A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.