10 Times Wrestling Crowds Actually RUINED The Moment

2. Seth Rollins Vs. Finn Bálor, SummerSlam 2016

Cesaro Beach Ball

SummerSlam 2016 was supposed to be remembered as something magnificent that WWE put together, the start of their "new era" which would feature wrestlers with athletic backgrounds and indie credibility, rather than the smiling corporate muppets they had held atop their totem pole for more than a decade. The show was turning out phenomenal too, with AJ Styles picking up a rare clean win over John Cena.

But everything came crashing down once the veil was pulled off the new Universal championship belt and fans got a look at what would be the top title of the company for the foreseeable future.

Chants of, "that looks stupid" and "hey! We want a new belt!" provided a rather unfitting soundtrack to Seth Rollins' title match against The Demon King Finn Bálor, who was in full body-paint mode. The match was up to the caliber of a top title bout, but with fans clearly intent on focusing on how horrible the Universal title is, -- and yes, it is -- the match ended up lacking the atmosphere that most five star matches need in order to truly shine.

Rollins would later take to Twitter so he could chastise the fans who slashed the tires of his match. This was before everyone hated Seth on Twitter.

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A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.