10 Times Wrestling Fans Demanded Refunds

10. The Undertaker's Streak Ends With A Whimper - WrestleMania 30

While many members of the WWE Universe look back on WrestleMania 30 with fond memories thanks to Daniel Bryan's well deserved victory over Triple H and Randy Orton and Batista to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, there are those who still haven't been able to forgive WWE for doing the unthinkable and ending The Undertaker's streak. There were reports at the time that some fans walked out after Brock Lesnar pinned him 1-2-3, and the shocked faces of those in attendance says it all! Ending The Undertaker's undefeated remains one of the most controversial moments in WWE history, with certain Superstars even weighing in with the opinion that it simply should have never happened. It's important to note that The Undertaker agreed to it and that it has set up a year's worth of storylines for the now indestructible Brock Lesnar, but that will fall on deaf ears for those still livid by the decision! His loss killed the crowd too, and it took a lot for even Daniel Bryan to bring them back to life as he turned last year's WrestleMania into Yes-tleMania.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.