10 Times Wrestling Shows Became Total Anarchy

6. Kick Off At Little Rock (WWE, 1997)

ROH chairs in the ring

Sports entertainment fans are closer to armchair critics than football hooligans. They are more likely to hurl insults to a catchy tune than launch bottles and breakables.

But every fan base has its blips. On 15 December 1997, the Barton Coliseum crowd resurrected the chaos of a wrestling riot, the like unseen since the sport’s territory days.

WWE tickets were sold under the belief the event would be a live Raw taping. The unwitting fans learned Raw had been pre-taped and the night’s event was a house show. In a time before internet’s ubiquity, those in attendance didn’t know until they took their seats. They were effectively participating in a stripped-back rehearsal rather than becoming a part of WWE history. While seeing your favourite athletes is a privilege, fans attend house shows with clear expectations.

Only a month after the Montreal Screwjob, those in attendance felt like they were the victim of its sequel. The show quickly descended into bottles, chairs, and projectiles being thrown, cutting the show short. Fans brawled with the outnumbered security team but soon turned on each other. Police were called to help as security contended with flaming toilet paper. They responded with tear gas and a dozen arrests.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.