10 Times WWE Actually Elevated Midcarders To Become WWE Champions

1. JBL

JBL WWE champion

JBL is the classic example of a worker WWE turned from midcard stalwart to main event winner.

His switch from beer-drinking, card-playing, ass-kicking babyface to money-hoarding, egotistical heel in 2004 was one of the best gimmick changes ever. It caught everyone by surprise when a lower-tier tag wrestler suddenly showed 'Million Dollar Man' qualities on the mic and carried himself like the World Champ he'd soon become.

As JBL, Bradshaw proved he could be a proper wrestling villain. He was one heel fans couldn't wait to see babyfaces strike down and put in his place, and that hatred flipped the guy's career around. Now, when fans look back on Bradshaw's run, they immediately reach for JBL, not APA, The New Blackjacks or anything else.

That's how fruitful a change this was. Layfield played a major role in Eddie Guerrero's own ascent up the card, and he worked tremendously as a counterpoint to John Cena's rapid rise as WWE's next top star too. What a character, what a change, what an elevation.


What other established midcarders did WWE elevate to WWE Title status? For more like this, check out 10 WWE Legends Embarrassed By Their Own Matches and Ranking Every WWE In Your House From Worst To Best!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.