10 Times WWE Blatantly Ripped Off Their Own Angles

2. Heels Get Soaked In Character-Specific Liquid

Steve Austin Kurt Angle Beer Milk

Admittedly, that entry heading sounds a bit dodgy.

Steve Austin giving Vince, Shane and The Rock a beer bath on the 22 March 1999 edition of Raw will be replayed until the end of time. It was one of those iconic moments, and should actually be considered genius; beer was in-keeping with Austin's gimmick, and it sold the chaotic, party-like atmosphere of Monday nights brilliantly.

Around two years later in 2001, reborn babyface Kurt Angle expertly aped Austin's prior inventiveness by soaking him and his Alliance cronies in the white stuff. Don't worry, it was way more PG than it sounds. Kurty baby doused the WCW/ECW crew in gallons of milk before celebrating with his own calcium-rich carton.

Fans appreciated the nod towards a famous moment in company history, although ringsiders probs didn't enjoy being covered in milk as much as they did beer. If anything, it's a slight shock that WWE hasn't tried this again with someone else.

Drew McIntyre and whisky, perhaps?

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Vince McMahon
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.