10 Times WWE Blatantly Ripped Off Their Own Angles

1. Heels Gets Soaked In Urine

Sheamus Vince McMahon Pee Urine

A lot of people watching Jeff Hardy throw his own pee all over a disgusted Sheamus recently probably thought of Vince McMahon. After all, the WWE boss is well-known as someone who loves a bit of toilet humour, and he could've been found chuckling away at the Irishman's mortified reaction.

Y'know, the same reaction Vince himself had on the 13 March 2006 Raw.

That was when he forced Shawn Michaels to take a p*ss test live on air and acted horrified when HBK emptied the contents all over him. It's not only the actual act of pee-throwing (which should totally be an Olympic sport) that was ripped off though - the 'PSA'-style promo Sheamus cut on SmackDown was almost word-for-word identical to McMahon's.

WWE obviously felt enough time had passed between each watery stunt to ensure it'd feel fresh again. Almost everything, from promo and reaction to the way each segment was filmed, was like a carbon copy. 14 years from now, someone else is getting covered in pee.

When else has WWE blatantly repeated their own angles? For more like this, check out WWE Backlash 2020: 20 Things You Probably Missed and Ranking Every WWE PPV Of 2020 (So Far)!


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