10 Times WWE Booking Failed Braun Strowman
8. Nicholas

Just because this was funny (ish) at the time and a "WrestleMania Moment" by the strictest WWE definition, it doesn't mean it wasn't catastrophic for Braun Strowman's longterm chances in WWE.
Wrestling apocrypha has it that if you're a big guy and Vince McMahon sees you singing, dancing or just generally having a sense of humour, your cards will be marked as an oversized clown for the rest of your career. He might take a while to get there, but he'll have you doing daft b*llocks sooner or later because if you absolutely must be taller than him, you're gonna be his jester, pal.
It's perhaps why 'The Monster Among Men's WrestleMania record is one of the oddest in company history. His 2017 debut should have been stronger, but a battle royal cameo had nothing on this bizarre Tag Team Championship distraction the following year. Mild pops on the night were mirrored by the ones the next day when the pair gave up their belts due to Nicholas' busy schedule at school.
Strowman had all the time in the world to make sure he was in a better spot the next year...