10 Times WWE Disrespected Rey Mysterio

3. Not Main Eventing In Mexico City

Chavo Guerrero detailed an interesting incident on his second appearance on Chris Jericho's Talk is Jericho podcast. While discussing his favourite matches he brings up a house show match that he and Rey had in Mexico City on September 20th 2006. It was a Raw house show, but the Smackdown wrestlers were drafter over for the night. Chavo says how Booker T pulled Vince McMahon aside and said that, since it was in Mexico City and Rey and Chavo had a big feud at the time, that they should be the main event of the show. Vince agreed and, a night before the event, they were scheduled to go on last. On the day of the show Chavo turns up and sees that their match is now on sixth, the last match before intermission. John Cena and Edge's street fight was now on last. Chavo looked at Rey and said 'that's it, we're stealing it'. The two proceeded to put on a fantastic match, going around twenty five minutes. They got a standing ovation in the back from everyone apart from John Cena and DX, who were probably annoyed that they had to follow him. Still, WWE could have put Rey and Chavo on last. They had certainly earned the opportunity to headline by that point.
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Rey Mysterio
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...