10 Times WWE Failed Roman Reigns
8. That Unwanted 2015 Royal Rumble Win
Rewind 12 months to the 2014 Royal Rumble and fans might have accepted a Roman Reigns Rumble win. Back then, Reigns was given some of the biggest cheers of the match and regarded as a young star fans were willing to get behind. Then, WWE pushed him to the moon and all that support faded, and it faded fast.
Even The Rock looked like he couldn't believe how scathing the response was to Roman's Rumble victory one year later. He had been brought back to raise the winner's hand and endorse him as WWE's next big thing, but Rocky's incredulous expression summed up the situation.
To fans, Reigns was the anti-Daniel Bryan and not the guy they wanted to meet Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31. Following the Batista catastrophe in 2014, people needed a Rumble winner they believed in.
Undeterred, WWE pressed on when they should have taken a step back and realised that Bryan's organic rise was the story people craved. Pushing Reigns into that spot turned fans against him, and the backlash he received is still ongoing today.