10 Times WWE Failed Roman Reigns

6. Using Him As Makeweight For Sheamus

Sheamus, Roman Reigns

Money in the Bank is a seriously tired idea that WWE should think about doing away with over the next few years. The concept is solid, and yet it's played out to the point that "shocking" cash-ins are utterly predictable. Just look at Sheamus pulling the rug from beneath Roman Reigns at Survivor Series 2015.

Was anyone really surprised when the big Irishman's music hit as the confetti fell for Roman following his WWE Title tournament win?

WWE's decision to have Sheamus win the belt at Survivor Series was a paper thin excuse to prolong Roman's title quest into WrestleMania 32. As a consequence, few cared about Sheamus as champion, and resentment grew once it became clear that Reigns would wrestle Triple H at 'Mania anyway.

On top of that, Roman (the man WWE wanted to play hero in Texas against The Authority's leader) was little more than makeweight for a heel title run that couldn't follow what Seth Rollins had achieved in the same role before injury.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.