10 Times WWE Failed Roman Reigns

5. Positioning Him As #30 In The 2017 Rumble

Royal Rumble 2017 Roman Reigns

WWE must have been smoking the funny stuff when they pieced together the 2017 Royal Rumble match.

Either they truly believed that Roman Reigns would be given a hero's welcome in San Antonio or the writers were having a little joke at their audience's expense. How else could the decision to have Reigns come out as #30 be explained? It was idiotic, to say the least.

People had been thrilled by big names like Bill Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker and more. After those men had been out earlier in the match, it was expected that #30 would be something very special. It was, but not quite for the right reasons.

Roman Reigns had to amble down the lengthy aisle way and pretend he was oblivious to the biting jeers from fans who, rightly, viewed the surprise as a let down. WWE must have known this reaction was coming, so they're the ones any fan anger should be aimed at.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.