10 Times WWE Failed To Create Main Event Players

1. Mabel (1995)

King Mabel Pointing

1995: King Of The Ring's disaster piece, a desperate year for star power and a financial flub of a 12 months for the WWF as they scrambled to find something, anything that'd drag them out of the doldrums. Presumably, that's why Vinnie Mac leaned on the kind of monster heel he'd churned out to oppose Hulk Hogan in the '80s.

All hail 'King' Mabel, a character you'd be forgiven for thinking was some sick joke.

As if it wasn't bad enough that Mabel worked twice on pay-per-view at KOTR (including a grossly unpopular win over The Undertaker), his push continued afterwards. This newly-minted main eventer was scheduled to face Diesel at SummerSlam '95 for the WWF Title, and everyone collectively groaned at the thought. Kevin Nash was likely one of them.

McMahon did everything he could think of to make Mabel work for a few insane months. Becoming 'King', beating 'Taker, headlining one of the biggest events of the year and generally pushing him to the moon didn't fly with fans however. They could see through the bumbling, dangerous heel's bump up the card, and they weren't keen to encourage it.


What other instances can you think of when WWE failed to turn someone into a sustainable headliner? Let us know down in the comments section below!


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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.