10 Times WWE Failed To Create Main Event Players

6. Bobby Lashley (2006-07)

Bobby Lashley

It's 2019 and Bobby Lashley still sounds like he's gently scolding a puppy when he's angry in promos.

Some wrestlers don't have much in the way of verbals skills, and Lashley is one of them. He looks like he could crush a car with his bare hands physically, but there's no natural charisma to Bobby. That was something WWE learned first hand when they tried to turn the legitimately impressive athlete, fighter and specimen into a main eventer in 2006-07.

Fans, though taken by Lashley's look every bit as much as Vince McMahon was, couldn't shake the feeling that this felt forced. There was no organic connection between wrestler and audience, which is a fatal flaw WWE neither spotted early enough nor worked hard to put right. Throwing Donald Trump in his corner wasn't enough.

Bobby wasn't the ECW Champion a hardcore fanbase (still clinging to the thought that things might turn around with the brand again) wanted either. When he took time off for surgery in 2007, WWE realised they weren't missing anything and released him before he returned.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.