10 Times WWE Failed To Make Dean Ambrose 'The Guy'

7. Having Him Lose His Rivalry To Seth Rollins

Dean Ambrose Silly

Seth 'Freaking' Rollins' betrayal of The Shield was one of the hottest angles of the modern era. It was long suspected that Ambrose would be the one to make the heel turn out of the three, resulting in a swerve that few saw coming.

In the aftermath, so convincing was Dean's hatred for his former brethren that the animosity between the two felt palpable. A captivating and hard hitting series of matches followed, including a slug fest that ended with Ambrose's head being curb stomped through a cinder block on Raw.

There was only one way such an intense rivalry could culminate: Hell in a Cell. The two combatants didn't disappoint either, pulling off one of the most entertaining cell matches seen in years. There were high spots from half way up the cage, to violent brutality inside.

The only downside? The good guy lost. Ambrose was never given justice for Rollins' treachery. It wasn't just the fact that he lost that was underwhelming either, it was the manner in which it happened: with a Bray Wyatt interference. Why did Wyatt get involved? Reasons.

Seth's emergence as victor from the feud was a clear indication that not only was Roman favoured above Dean, but Rollins too. This was highlighted even more so at the following WrestleMania, with Reigns in the main event and Rollins leaving as world champ... while Dean failed to capture the intercontinental title in the third match of the night.

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