10 Times WWE Got The Money In The Bank Winner Wrong

5. Damien Sandow (2013)

Brock Lesnar

Said Cody Rhodes to Alex McCarthy in 2019:-

“I’m so far removed now I can give you a little bit of detail on this, and I hold no grudges and I’m not sour over it. But the two years prior to that Money in the Bank [2013], I was told I was winning Money in the Bank. This is two years in a row. Two years in a row I was told in advance I was winning Money in the Bank and both times, it changed on the day.

Damien Sandow was not the original choice, nor was he the right one.

Rhodes was evidently about to have a career breakthrough in 2013. Coming off the back of a career-best series of runs as Intercontinental Champion, Cody Rhodes elevated the prestige of the title back to what it should've been and reintroduced the elegant white-strapped title. It was a beauty and Rhodes was instantly established as WWE's next top babyface because of it.

Cody even came within an inch of retrieving the briefcase on the night, reaching desperately, before Damien Sandow usurped him, earmarking Rhodes' organic babyface turn. Their subsequent feud was fine and Cody did some decent stuff with Goldust, but he failed to reach the superstardom he did post-WWE. His lacklustre final few years can be linked back to this match.

What's even worse, though, is that Cody had been told the year before that he was winning the Money in the Bank briefcase, too. It was changed on the day to Dolph Ziggler and while his cash-in was remarkable, it was a disservice to Cody Rhodes, who could've carried WWE as their next babyface pillar in the wake of John Cena phasing out his pro wrestling career.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.