10 Times WWE Posters Totally Lied To You

5. Capitol Punishment 2011 (Barack Obama)

One quick glance at the Capitol Punishment poster paints a pretty clear image. It'd be easy to surmise that Rey Mysterio is set to battle John Cena. The President of the United States, Barack Obama - by virtue of what he's wearing - is also going to be the Special Guest Referee. Obviously, that never happened, but that's what the image suggests to onlookers. The real main event of Capitol Punishment was John Cena vs. R-Truth. For his part, Mysterio faced CM Punk on the show, and Barack Obama was nowhere to be found. It's been said that WWE simply wanted to promote an event capitalising on the feelgood factor surrounding the President around that time. Just one month or so before the PPV, Osama Bin Laden had been captured, and people rejoiced. Thus, Capitol Punishment became a one-off Pay-Per-View on the WWE calendar of 2011. The cartoon-like poster gives absolutely no indication of what fans would actually see on the show. It would have been fine to include Obama in some fashion, but not wearing a WWE referee shirt.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.