10 Times WWE Stars Made A Mockery Of Their Own Angles

9. Kane

Kane Anger Management

Kane's backstory is one of the most convoluted in pro wrestling history.

He was badly burned, then he was only slightly chargrilled. His vocal cords were destroyed, then they weren't. He was a hideous monster kept in the dark for years due to fires set by The Undertaker, then he lived a relatively "normal" life that included some aforementioned Katie Vick horrors. His lore is a mess.

To his credit, Kane made light of the entire saga during an 'Anger Management' segment on Raw in 2012. There, he consciously laughed at his own character's absurd history by running through it dryly - his straight face contrasted mightily with fans suddenly realising how many ridiculous twists and turns WWE had taken.

The entire 'Team Hell No' run Kane and Daniel Bryan enjoyed is worth revisiting, but this stoic storytelling scene is especially must-see. Anyone who remembers Kane's debut, his unmasking or the Vick trauma will get a giggle out of his introspection.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.