10 Times WWE Stopped Wrestlers Going Too Far

9. Vince McMahon Doesn't Want Chris Jericho To Tattoo CM Punk

Liv Morgan

Easily ranking as one of the most creative minds ever to ply their trade within the wrestling landscape, Chris Jericho has made a career out of thinking outside the box and trying to produce moments that leave audiences with their jaws dangling on the floor.

And at one point during his WWE feud with CM Punk back in 2012, it seemed as though Y2J was on the cusp of adding yet another memorable beat to his collection. But not long after finally convincing Vince McMahon that legitimately tattooing his initials onto The Best in the World would make for compelling TV, plans were suddenly changed.

As Le Champion would recall on a recent edition of Talk Is Jericho, McMahon soon decided that "tattoos bleed too much", an idea Jericho was convinced had been planted there by someone in the back.

So, instead of handcuffing Punk to the ring post and branding him with an inked "CJ", the former WWE Chairman opted to lean on The Voice of the Voiceless' father being an alcoholic as a way for Jericho to add some extra drama to the feud.

Much better.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...