10 Times WWE Tried To Convince You Wrestlers Were Related

2. Kurt Angle & Jason Jordan

Kurt Angle Jason Jordan Raw 2017

It'll be interesting to see how WWE play this particular story when Jason Jordan returns from injury this summer, because it wasn't fooling anyone when Kurt Angle lifted the lid on his big secret in 2017.

With phoney tears in his eyes and some of the worst material in recent memory to work with, Raw GM Angle told the world that yes, American Alpha star Jordan was his estranged son. Meanwhile, the entire wrestling world sat in stunned disbelief that WWE thought this was a solid plan for Kurt's return.

Almost overnight, people turned on the previously-popular Jordan. Worse, the story dragged on without anything worthwhile happening, and the strained interaction between "father and son" grew more contrived with every passing week.

Kurt's story, one relying on mistakes he made almost 30 years ago, was unconvincing, as were Jordan's performances as a dewy-eyed boy who had finally figured out his family tree. There really needed to be some more thought put into this one.

It's OK. In 10 years, they'll just pretend the pair were mates.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.