10 Times WWE Tried To Present Someone As A Credible Threat (And Failed Miserably)

4. The Big Show

Vladimir Koslov

After signing a mammoth ten year contract back in 1999, WWE were rightly expecting big things from the aptly renamed Big Show.

Things got off to a positive enough start with the former WCW Giant interfering in 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and Vince McMahon's steel cage match at St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

Big Show then continued on as McMahon's hired help and though he didn't win his first ever WrestleMania match at 'Mania XV, he did manage to completely dismantle his opponent Mankind which caused the eventual DQ finish. This in turn meant that Mankind wouldn't be able to ref the main event WWF title showdown between The Rock and Steve Austin.

So far, so threatening, right?

Then after the match, McMahon slapped The Big Show so the mammoth man decked The Chairman and turned face.

This was the beginning of the end of the titanic athlete's credibility as a serious force in the company as he was then beaten by the likes of the aforementioned Mankind and The Undertaker. He did go on to win his maiden WWF title soon after, but quickly dropped the title back to Triple H. Another 'Mania stinker - this time that McMahon in every corner match at 'Mania 2000 - followed and Show was then bolted back down to developmental to improve his fitness and shed a few pounds.

A star who could have been an intimidating special attraction for years to come soon became a bit-part main eventer - with a fondness for switching allegiances - and perhaps another victim of being given too much dollar/spotlight too soon.

In this post: 
Gene Snitsky
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