10 Times WWE Were OBSESSED With Pointless Power
1. Raw General Manager AJ Lee
It spoke to how much stock WWE used to put in middle management of Monday Night Raw versus what little f*cks they still had to give about the entire women's division when AJ Lee was made Raw General Manager in 2012.
Wrapped up in multiple feuds over both the World and WWE Championships earlier in the year thanks to various links with Daniel Bryan, CM Punk and Kane, Lee had gotten extremely over in a relatively short space of time. That she was more than competent between the ropes just didn't carry currency with Vince McMahon, who instead convinced her to jilt fiancé Bryan at the Raw 1000 altar to take control of the show. She could have done both, of course, but forget about that because they're going to make your fave wear suits and punishment book the lower card guys for a few months.
It was at very least a bit of seed-planting by WWE - as somebody given a job on her wedding day by Vince McMahon, she probably should have known the chairman could and would do the opposite to her future husband a few years later.