10 Times WWE Were Right Not To Give The Fans What They Wanted

8. The Fiend Vs. Brock Lesnar Vs. Adam Cole At Survivor Series

Fiend Finn Balor Summerslam 2019

Crown Jewel turned out to be every bit as soul-destroying as many fans had expected it to be.

So, when it then became apparent that NXT would be joining in with this year's Survivor Series brand-supremacy b*llocks and the black and brand subsequently invaded SmackDown on the Friday after the Saudi event took place, fans were thrust into joyous fantasy booking overdrive.

Yet, with rumours circulating of a women's championship three-way and mid-card championship triple threat, the seeds had been planted for a mouth-watering bout involving a trio of world champions.

NXT Champion Adam Cole vs. WWE Champion Brock Lesnar vs. Universal Champion 'The Fiend' Bray Wyatt.

Just typing that out is enough to make you want to throw money at your screen. That's why when WWE instead opted to give us three traditional one-on-one title matches for each piece of respective gold, fans felt as though the chance for such a once-in-a-lifetime fantasy match had been wrongfully passed up on.

However, to throw this clash onto a Survivor Series card without much build would have felt a bit rushed and at least one world champion would have been majorly damaged by the bout (most likely Cole) meaning that in the long run it wouldn't have made much sense to spoil us with this one-off main event spectacle.

However, if WWE ever want to go all-in on the idea of one single world title across all three brands then this is your WrestleMania main event.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...