10 Times WWE Were Right Not To Give The Fans What They Wanted

2. Roman Reigns Heel Turn

Fiend Finn Balor Summerslam 2019

The argument surrounding a heel-turn being beneficial to the getting over of a talent with a live crowd has become synonymous with one WWE individual in-particular: Roman Reigns.

From 2015 to late 2018, fans had been quite vocal in their rejection of Reigns as the company's number one babyface and not even the conquering of serial bullies like Triple H and Brock Lesnar could get him over as a force of good in the company.

It wasn't even that Reigns was necessarily ill-suited to the role, as his babyface comebacks and crowd-popping move-set only highlighted the potential he had to be a star in the same ilk as Super-John Cena. Yet, Reigns found himself continually lumbered with dreadful writing and professionally delivered lines like 'sufferin' succotash' against his will - if Jon Moxley is to be believed.

Fans clearly felt that the only direction they'd accept for The Big Dog involved a bitter heel-turn on those who had heckled him for so long.

There are a few major problems with that statement.

Roman Reigns sells merchandise, he's an excellent spokesperson for the company and kids love him - much like they adored Cena before him.

Therefore it made little sense for WWE to invest in a Reigns heel-turn and after his triumphant return from a battle with leukemia in 2019, Reigns finally clicked with the majority of the live crowd and disproved the idea of a turn being paramount to his getting over.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...